Linda and Huy's Wedding at Hidden Meadows

Location: Hidden Meadows (Snohomish, WA)Wedding Coordinator: Leeching Tran Wong (L Events) - in Snohomish, WA, the venue known as Hidden Meadows is an amazing place to get married. Linda and Huy's wedding brought many friends and family to this destination, and as I'm writing this blog, many great memories come to mind.I first met Linda and Huy at a coffee shop last Fall while discussing their wedding day plans. It was an extremely cold day in Seattle and it didn't help that I was also getting over a cold . Nonetheless, the couple was warm and friendly. They explained that they were planning on getting married up in the Snohomish area, which is always exciting to me.Fast forward to this past month, oh my how the setting has changed. Gone are the frosty Seattle days. The bright July sun beamed throughout their wedding celebration. And it was really the perfect venue to document their tying of the knot. Linda and Huy were so easy to work with, as we ventured on the nearby train tracks, tall wheat-colored grass, the meadows (of course), and backdrops that had a blend of rustic accents mixed with some modern details. It was a little bit of everything, as you can see from the photos below.A huge takeaway from this day was the respect and love their friends and family had for Linda and Huy. Huy was regarded as "winning" at everything he did. His dad gave an amazing and heartfelt speech during the reception that evoked emotions throughout the crowd, especially Huy. Linda's maid of honor and bridesmaids each provided touching words in their speeches. Guests were hugging, laughing, and partying it up with the couple.Lastly, a special highlight was being able to take them back outside during the "golden hour" for more photos. This is my favorite time to shoot. While the sun is low and the light turns golden, the magic happens. The light is awesome. It also made it cool that Linda and Huy were so comfortable in front of the camera and truly killed it. Thank you for a wonderful experience!blog38_001 blog38_002 blog38_003 blog38_004 blog38_005 blog38_005_1 blog38_006 blog38_007 blog38_008 blog38_009 blog38_011blog38_012blog38_013 blog38_014 blog38_015 blog38_017 blog38_016 blog38_018 blog38_019 blog38_020 blog38_021 blog38_022 blog38_023 blog38_024 blog38_025 blog38_026 blog38_027 blog38_028 blog38_029blog38_030 blog38_031 blog38_032 blog38_033 blog38_034 blog38_035 blog38_035_1 blog38_036 blog38_037 blog38_038 blog38_039 blog38_040 blog38_041 blog38_042 blog38_042_1 blog38_043_1 blog38_043 blog38_043_2 blog38_044 blog38_045 blog38_046 blog38_047 blog38_048 blog38_049 blog38_050 blog38_051_1 blog38_051 blog38_052 blog38_053 blog38_054 blog38_055blog38_056 blog38_057 blog38_058 blog38_059 blog38_060 blog38_061 blog38_062 blog38_063 blog38_064 blog38_066 blog38_065 blog38_068 blog38_067 blog38_069 blog38_070 blog38_071 blog38_072 blog38_073 blog38_074 blog38_075 blog38_076 blog38_077 blog38_078 blog38_079 blog38_080 blog38_081 blog38_082 blog38_083blog38_084 blog38_085 blog38_086 blog38_087 blog38_088 blog38_089 blog38_090 blog38_091 blog38_092 blog38_093 blog38_094 blog38_095 blog38_096 blog38_097 blog38_098 blog38_099 blog38_100 blog38_101 blog38_102 blog38_103 blog38_104 blog38_105 blog38_107 blog38_106 blog38_108 blog38_109 blog38_110 blog38_111 blog38_112 blog38_113 blog38_114 blog38_115 blog38_115_1 blog38_116 blog38_117 blog38_117_1 blog38_118 blog38_119 blog38_120 blog38_122 blog38_123 blog38_124 blog38_125 blog38_126 blog38_127 blog38_128 blog38_129 blog38_130blog38_131 blog38_132 blog38_134 blog38_133 blog38_135 blog38_136 blog38_137 blog38_138 blog38_139 blog38_140 blog38_141 blog38_142 blog38_143 blog38_144 blog38_145 blog38_145_1 blog38_146 blog38_147 blog38_148 blog38_149 blog38_150 blog38_151 blog38_152 blog38_153 blog38_155 blog38_154 blog38_156 blog38_157 blog38_158 blog38_159 blog38_160 blog38_161


Lina and Dan's 2nd Year Anniversary


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