Dan and Lina's 1 Year Anniversary

One year ago, I had one of my favorite experiences working with Dan and Lina as their wedding photographer. Throughout the entire process, I really felt they trusted me to capture their moments. Our confidence and chemistry working together on their engagement and wedding photos really made it a blast. They were so fun to photograph. Sadly, this had to come to an end after their wedding.To my pleasant surprise, they reached out to me recently to photograph their 1 year anniversary pictures. I thought to myself, "How cool is this?" Dan and Lina decided to revisit their engagement session location, Discovery Park, for this anniversary shoot. One highlight of the shoot is the contrast between this project and their engagement set, which was taken on a cloudy and wet day in Spring. Now, the wheat-like grass is out and the setting felt warm. Another interesting moment during this shoot was our constant hope that the sun would eventually break out. Seattle had a long string of sunny days but during the beginning of the set, the cloud returned!But as you can see from the final few photos from this set, the sun did eventually break out at the very last moment. The golden hour was upon us and provided some amazing light. Something special always happens when I work with Dan and Lina. Congratulations and happy 1 year anniversary!


Kevin and Paige's Wedding at Jardin del Sol


Marcus and Reanna: Wedding at the Monte Cristo Ballroom